MSU Rural Impact Studio

Bozeman, Montana, US
Systems-change has shaped and reshaped rural America through native, colonial, agricultural, industrial, and modern global trade systems. However, the elements and dynamics of modern economic systems are not arranged to benefit rural communities. Disinvestment, poverty, and decreasing agency have become systemic outcomes seen throughout rural America.
The Rural Impact Lab is approaching systems-change in Montana’s rural communities through design-driven processes of research, training, and advocacy with the goal of unlocking new investment for community-led projects in Stillwater and Park Counties.
Students, faculty, and community leaders worked collaboratively to identify a systemic community issue, undertake immersive and participatory research, and design a project that will lead to positive systems-change. Aligned with the land-grant mission of Montana State University and its Extension Service with MASS Design Group’s mission of using design to promote justice and human dignity, the course was an experimental collaboration (hence a “Lab”) under the MSU School of Architecture’s Community Design Center.
Project Details
45.676998, -111.042931
Location: Bozeman, Montana, US
Year: 2018
Status: Completed
Program: Studio Course
Services: Educational Services, Technical Assistance, Consulting
Stillwater County, Montana
Park County, Montana