New York Regional Hospital Redesign

New York, New York, USA
“Health and well-being” is more than a fashionable phrase; it is required for human existence and for the stability of the economic systems that support medical care. It is to that end that MASS Design Group and CAMA, Inc. (MASS|CAMA) joined forces to imagine three scenarios for a New York hospital’s facility modernization. The renovated hospital design was founded on the belief that the built environment is a fundamental component to improving health and well-being. Holistic care is impossible without an integrated facility, and so the three schemes offer facility solutions that will drive the hospital towards its goal of providing integrated care over the course of the next decade.
Project Details
40.712784, -74.005941
Location: New York, NY, USA
Year: 2012
Status: Completed
Program: Regional hospital design charrette
Services: Project Accompaniment, Landscape Design, Strategic Master Planning
Northern Westchester Hospital
CAMA, Inc.