Cooper Hewitt National Design Award

We are excited to announce that MASS Design Group has won the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award!

This incredible distinction places us in the company of many of the designers we find most inspiring in America and we could not be more honored to be chosen among them.

The process began with an open call for nominations from leading designers, educators, journalists, cultural figures, corporate leaders, and design enthusiasts from every state in the nation. Nominees were invited to submit materials for the jury’s review including a portfolio and a statement that demonstrates how our work exhibits excellence and innovation, and enhances the quality of life of the people we serve.

We responded to our nomination by producing a book covering MASS projects in Rwanda, Haiti, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, England, and the United States. Our statement titled "Justice Is Beauty" captures our values and our mission that great architecture is not a luxury but a right,​ and that the search for beauty in our world is a commitment to the search for human dignity.

There is no way we would have been able to achieve this recognition without the tireless work of our teams across the globe, the brilliance and vision of our partners, and the commitment and care of our supporters and directors.

Learn more information about the National Design Award or Cooper Hewitt.